Ulalive joins MyStartup Pre-Accelerator by Cradle and Beyond4

Designed for startups seeking to validate their ideas and business models.

Ulalive joins MyStartup Pre-Accelerator by Cradle and Beyond4
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Ulalive has made it to the TOP 40 of the second cohort of the MYStartup Pre-Accelerator Programme, an initiative by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia, powered by Cradle Fund in collaboration with Beyond4.
With over 120 submissions for Cohort 2, we have been selected as one of the top business solutions that have the potential to scale profitability alongside this programme.
The MyStartUp Pre-Accelerator programme is exclusively designed for pre-seed and early-stage startups determined to solve customer problems while building and validating ideas and business models.
It is 5 months long and encompasses 7 core masterclasses, 1–1 mentoring, on-demand learning, and an exciting calendar of events to boost our network and enhance the visibility of Ulalive to different markets and stakeholders.
If shortlisted, there will be a demo day at the end of the event to pitch the solution and win the hearts of the judges and investors. Those who make it to the TOP 5 will be given an unconditional grant.
Some of the programme's additional benefits include a pool of local and international mentors; various types of resources, and funding opportunities.
During the kickstart event, we were introduced to Beyond4, the organiser itself, our assigned mentors, the previous cohort’s winner, and we got the chance to network with all the stakeholders.
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Onboarding Kit
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We are excited about this journey and can’t wait to see where it takes us!
Eliza Leytgold

Written by

Eliza Leytgold

Co-founder & CMO