Ulalive joins MyStartup x DNB Hackathon by Cradle

Solving corporate problem in MYHackathon

Ulalive joins MyStartup x DNB Hackathon by Cradle
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Ulalive has made it to the TOP 11 of the MYStartup x DNB Hackathon, an initiative by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia, powered by Cradle Fund in collaboration with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB).
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The MYStartup Hackathon is a corporate hackathon designed to help solve the digitalization & innovation needs of large corporations. Together with DNB, teams were invited to build something to solve the challenges of this hackathon and help Malaysia leap into the digital economy with 5G technologies.
With over 30 submissions for Problem Statement 2, we have been selected as one of the TOP four business solutions that have the potential to become the ultimate dynamic advertising engagement platform.
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The Hackathon was a great experience for the Ulalive team; we got to meet many founders, practice real-life pitching, and have been invited to further discuss the potential collaboration with DNB. We look forward to working with the DNB team and the industry to reap the benefits of 5G technology.
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Eliza Leytgold

Written by

Eliza Leytgold

Co-founder & CMO